Using a
Socks proxy over an
SSH tunnel
is a well documented and simple if much less flexible stand in for a full-blown
can provide a degree of comfort when accessing private or sensitive information
over a public Internet connection, or you might use it to get around the
terminally Canutian1 construct that is known as geo-blocking; that
asinine practice of pretending that the Internet observes political boundaries…
By way of a digression, it occurred to me at some point while I was wrestling with setting this up that, over the last seven or so years, much of the “entertainment” provided by corporate content distributors has been in the form of encouraging me to spend hundreds? thousands? of hours researching and implementing ways to circumvent their litany of failed and defective technological restrictions: region codes, DRM and the like. It is worth noting that, in the vast majority of cases, I was just seeking access to content that I already owned (in another format), or was prepared to pay for.
My move to GNU/Linux in 2007 was in large part motivated by the awful realisation that the music I had bought in iTunes was stuck in there. The combined intellectual effort globally expended trying to legitimately route around broken copyright law would have comfortably powered another golden age of the sciences; it’s not entirely implausible to think that the only reason we still have to deal with cancer is the malignant legacy of Sonny Bono2.
Now, back to our regular programming… One of my approaches to get around this sort of economic and policy rigor mortis has been to use a basic script to create a proxy tunnel to my home server. It assumes that you have public key authentication set up and your passphrase loaded in keychain, or something similar.
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Over the last couple of weeks, though, while I have been setting up and playing with Syncthing, I found this script wanting. With six nodes and, depending if I was on the LAN or not, as many as four of those hosts only accessible via SSH, then having the ability to quickly and painlessly open a browser on any one of the nodes without having to edit the script suddenly seemed like quite a good idea.
Accordingly I went to work on the script, including a test to determine if I
was on my home network and passing the name of the desired host as an
argument. With this approach, I simply type tunnel $host
and chromium
opens tunneled to that host, where I can the happily open
Hulu the Syncthing GUI.
The updated script is posted as
a gist,
and as you can see, still needs some work to make it a little more generic.
You will need, for example, to hand edit in the hosts and ports in
. It is also the first time I have played with
named pipes
and I am not convinced that my use of mkfifo
here is either the correct
approach or implementation; but it works. Comments enlightening me would
be gratefully received.
- The good king was, appropriately enough, actually called Cnut the Great…
- And, no, I am not referring to his musical corpus, which is as carcinogenic as his political career was as a Myrmidon for Big Content.
Flickr Creative Commons image, The Tunnel, by Lawrence Whitmore.